Thursday, November 15, 2012

John 18

John 18 is a tough chapter to read. It marks the transition from Jesus going around teaching, to Him being lead to the cross. I learned most from the way Jesus' held Himself when He was being persecuted. I would of shouted and argued, but Jesus trusted in God, His Father. He knew that exactly what God wants would be done, so all He did was pray right before it happened.

Impact highschool is starting a Bible Study on Wednesdays. It will most likely start at 7:00 at the Hinkle's house. We are going to wait until after Thanksgiving to start it. Since we will be done with John by then we are deciding what books to do next. Either Job or Acts, or if people are willing to do 2 chapters a day then both. Keep up the great work on John!


Maria Devita said...

John 18:4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”

How would you feel knowing that people were going to kill you? I would not have the strength like Jesus. Being able to know that once the rooster crows three times, and peter denies him, that he was going to be crucified. You can see in this chapter that Jesus trusted in God and believed that what was going to happen to him would be better than anything else! <3

Anonymous said...

Wow Maria i love everything you just said!!! Oh have a great time tonight its so exciting take pics!!!!<3 abby!!!!

Jackie said...

John 18 really does show how much Jesus trusted in God.
For example in verse 11: But Jesus said to Peter, "Put your sword back into its sheath. Shall I not drink from the cup of suffering the Father has given me?"
This verse reminded me that sometimes God wants us to do things we don't want to do, because it would involve stepping out of our comfort zone. Do you really think that Jesus wanted to go through all that pain? I don't think so and it even says in the bible. But when we trust God like Jesus did we will see that everything will be okay.

I also like verse 27: Again Peter denied it. And immediately a roster crowed.
This verse has always amazed me. It was right after Peter denied Jesus that the rooster crowed, not 5 minuets later or an hour later, but right after!If I was Peter I would of been so upset with my self!

Anonymous said...

Verse 11 also really stuck out to me. Ironically in my devotions today i was reading james 4 and in verse 7 it says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil , an he will flee from you.
If Jesus obeys God so should we. Sometimes i hear what God is saying and try to change it so its what i want not what He asks me to do. We as Jesus' children should strive to be more like Him everyday and this includes obeying His will even if we don't want to because He will make wonderful things come of it!!!! ~ abby<3

Brian Hinkle said...

The verses that were most interesting to me was Verses 33-37. It is the discussion that Jesus and Punches Pilot have before he is taken away. Pilot has a big dissuasion here. Ether to let the creator of this world be tourtured and crucified, or to not have to go through any of that. He agrees that Jesus is innocent but he still lets them take him. Pilot was afraid to not let them take Him away so he didn't argue. He said it is not his fault for letting them take him away, but it really was. The cool part is that Jesus could of goten out of this situation at any time, but he knew he needed to make the sacrifice so he didn't. I am so thankful that Jesus did this for us. If he had not, we would still be killing lambs after every sin. We also would need to follow all the painful laws in the old testament books, "Leviducus" and "Numbers."

Nathan Coupleton said...

Haha good point Brian! Those laws were a lot tougher to follow, I'm really glad all we must do now is believe in Jesus!

Nathan Coupleton said...

John 18:6 When Jesus said to them, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.

This verse shows how powerful Jesus is. Mere words were enough to bring a bunch of soldiers to the ground. When Joe Brian and I were talking about why Peter cut the guard's ear off,I noticed that Peter did it after this verse. It was easier to show courage when it looked Jesus would fight too! But when Jesus told Peter to sheath his sword Peter ran. He then denied Jesus, because Jesus wasn't right there with him doing amazing signs. Jesus was always in control all throughout what was happening. The only things that made Him go to the cross were our sins and His love for us.

Anonymous said...

Haha i never really thought about what life would be like if Jesus hadn't gone through with the crucifixion so thanks for sharing that:) ~abby<3

Joe Hinkle said...

This whole scene in the garden is amazing. Verse 5 is probably the coolest verse in the Bible just because it sounds like something you would see in a movie. When the soldiers asked for Jesus of Nazareth, verse six says "When Jesus said to them, I am he, they drew back and fell to the ground." I feel like a lot of us miss this small verse. I can imagine when Jesus said this a shock wave knock all of the soldiers backwards.

Verse 36 stuck out to me too. "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world." This really hit home to me. I've always wondered why Jesus never just summoned a league of angels to save him. He clears up his intentions of allowing himself to be crucified.