Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ruth 1 1/12/13

Good Morning everyone. Today is Saturday and also the day we start Ruth. If I did my math correctly then we should finish exactly on Wednesday so here we go.

The story of Ruth is way back in the Old Testament before kings and during the judges. A man named  Elimelech lived with Naomi, his wife, and his two sons Mahlon and Kilion. They lived in Bethlehem but there was a famine so they moved to Moab. Elimelech died there and his two son got married to Orpah and Ruth. They lived there for 10 years and then Mahlon and Kilion died. Naomi was left with Orpah and Ruth, her daughters in law.

Naomi heard that her home was given food from the LORD and decided to move back home. Orpah and Ruth went with her. Naomi appreciates them coming along but she doesn't want to be a burden to them. She couldn't bear them kids to marry, because that would take to long. They all cried and Orpah said her goodbyes and left but Ruth stayed and told Naomi that she would stay with till death due us part. 

Naomi sees that Ruth really wants to go so she quits arguing and they go to Bethlehem. The people were exited about Naomi but she told them to call them Marah because she was sad about her family dying. Marah and Ruth arrived at Bethlehem during the Barley Harvest.

That's the end of Chapter One. Does Ruth find a man? Does Marah find happiness? Will I misspell Orpah into Oprah? Tune in next time to find out what happens to Naomi oops I mean Marah and Ruth. Until then, asir ciudado, cepillarse tu pelo. 


Unknown said...

I did the Math wrong its supposed to end on Tuesday not Wednesday. Sorry;)

Kitty @ Four Toms and a Mom said...

Hey, guys….

I wanted to point out something that most people don't get about Ruth until they've studied it a few times, and it's really cool!

The names of her father in law and her husband and brother in law have meanings.

Elimelech, Ruth's father in law, means strength of a king. When Elimelech and his wife, Neomi left Behtlehem, it was because there was a famine there, but when you think about it, Elimelech was going away from his homeland where God wanted him and out into the land of Gentiles-- Moabites. As he lives out there, his sons pick Moabite women for wives. This is disobedience. Elimilech was relying on his own strength and living out of the flesh, and the longer they stayed out there, the more they became like the world.

His two sons' names are Mahlon and Kilon which mean sickly and Failing--both meaning the result of doing things on your own strength.

Can you see how the book of Ruth is already teaching us that when we stop communing with God and instead commune with the world, the result isn't good?