Monday, November 25, 2013

Hebrews 7

Sorry I don't have time to write much now. I'm at school. Try to read Hebrews 7. It's pretty confusing


Anonymous said...

Sorry for not keeping up before, but for now on I'm going to make an effort to read everyday. It'll be easier for me to get back into the habit of reading with the break coming up.

All I could get from this chapter was that there was a guy named Melchizedec who met Abraham when returning from the rescue of Lot. He is sort of compared and contrasted with Christ. I didn't look a lot into exactly what Hebrews 7 was talking about, but it did make me think about how I am representing Christ as a Christian. Am I being like Melchinzedec who is even called "the King of Righteousness" or can my friends at school not even see a difference between me and non-Christians.

Nathan Coupleton said...

That's awesome man! I asked my dad and he said Melchizedeck was Jesus or something like that.